
Tera term macro commands
Tera term macro commands

tera term macro commands

Remove the line comment string as defined in the syntax highlighting language used to highlight the current file at start of every selected line or the current line if there is no selection. The caret position does not change and the selection remains. This command has no affect on a file not highlighted with a syntax highlighting language or when the language has no line comment definition. Insert the line comment string as defined in the syntax highlighting language used to highlight the current file at start of every selected line or the current line if there is no selection. For example to insert a number starting with number 20 with an increment of -1 (i.e., decrement by 1) with leading zeros in hexadecimal notation at the current column on every selected line or from current line to last line following command must be used: Insert string between quotes into selected columns

tera term macro commands

Value "0" must be used to delete the selected columns. Value "0" must be used to cut the selected columns.ĭelete in column mode the selected columns or the specified number of columns from current caret position to bottom of the file. NoSave closes the file without prompting if the file should first be savedĬut in column mode the selected columns or the specified number of columns from current caret position to bottom of the file.Save forces the file to be saved before closing.


Select the specified clipboard (0 = Windows clipboard and 1-9 specifies user clipboards) To insert two lines with 1 and 2 at the beginning of the lines the command should be as follows:Ĭlear the contents of the active clipboard within UltraEdit To insert a new line, add a line between the open quote and close quote. To insert just one quote character (") the line should look like this: """ To insert a quote ("), place it as needed in the text being inserted and ensure the last character is also a quote.

tera term macro commands

The characters to be inserted may cross multiple lines. The closing quote must be the last non-space character on the line. All string parameters must be the last parameter. The text only describes the meaning of the parameter. Likewise, a "" in the parameter column a string represents a string value to be entered between quotes. A # in the parameter column a represents a numeric value to be entered for that parameter. Parameters: Parameters should be set immediately after the macro command, separated by a space. The following table includes an exhaustive list of all supported macro commands in UltraEdit / UEStudio, including any parameters for the command.

Tera term macro commands